مشاتل الجمال للتنمية الزراعية
انتاج وتصدير جميع انواع الفواكهه المتساقطة وغير المتساقطة ونباتات الزينة والاشجار الخشبية والنخيل
عنوان التصنيف

Establishing fruit farms

Dragon fruit

Dragon fruit Dragon fruit or Pitaya One of the most successful and best tropical fruits as a nutritional value and as an investment As a food rich in protein, fats, carbs and calcium As an economic value, it is considered one of the most…

Caviar lemon

Caviar lemon This black is one of the most expensive and rarest types of citrus in the world, and this is because it resembles caviar, to have granules from the inside, and the rate of vitamin C in it is 10 times higher than any of the…